Fernando H Calvino Z Calvin Z
Amara No Limit
Narobi Colino Capitol I
Terrain HSP
Esta Voltaire

Jack is a son of the, to America exported, stallion Fernando H. Under the saddle of Jonathan McCrea, Fernando H is a true promise for the future. Since Fernando H is very talented himself, we are delighted that we can offer his valuable blood for breeding through his son Jack. Fernando H is closely related to jumping legend Hickstead via his dam's side.

During the performance test of 2017, Jack showed that he has unlimited scope as well. He is extremely intelligent and well-balanced and lovely to work with. All the assets combined, makes that Jack has all the ingredients to become a successful sport horse.

Some quotes from his performance report are: Jack is an honest and reliable stallion with a good attitude. The stallion has a lot of willingness to work and a lot of ride-ability. His walk has more than enough space. The trot is more than sufficient in space. The canter is powerful and good in space. The stallion has a good posture and balance in movement. Jack jumps well through his body. The stallion jumps with a good front technique. The jump behind is well finished. Jack seems careful and shows a lot of scope. As a jumper, Jack has a lot of talent and gives his rider a good feeling.

Goede prestaties tijdens Hengstencompetitie Zuidbroek

Het jaar werd afgesloten in Zuidbroek, waarbij er voor alle hengsten foutloze rondes waren

29 December 2019
KWPN stallion Jack back at Stal Schep

In 2018 Jack bred in Sweden but for 2019 he is back for the Dutch breeders

26 January 2019
WFFS (Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome)

Vandaag is bekend geworden welke KWPN hengsten drager zijn van het WFFS gen, onder hen Jubel ES en Jack

24 May 2018
Jack ook goedgekeurd voor SWB

Nadat Jack in het najaar van 2017 zijn KWPN dekbrevet haalde, is hij nu ook goedgekeurd in Zweden voor het SWB

03 March 2018
Jubel ES en Jack KWPN goedgekeurd

Fokproduct Jubel ES springt naar hoogste punten tijdens KWPN verrichtingsonderzoek

25 November 2017