Arezzo VDL Chin Chin Constant
Sarjolijn Heartbreaker
Bumanda Ukato Stakkato
Lumanda Fedor

Illusion is a beautifully modeled son of Arezzo VDL who is increasingly making a mark on the KWPN breeding. Arezzo VDL jumped at GP level under respectively Jessica Kurten and Jur Vrieling.

Under rider Sanne van Gendt Illusion, who jumps in the sport under the name Lincom's Illusion, is trained as a jumper. Illusion always shows a very good technique and is very careful. In addition to his jumping ability, Illusion has a very friendly and cooperative character.

Some quotes from his performance report are 'Illusion is an honest and reliable stallion with a good attitude. The stallion has a lot of willingness to work and ride-ability. The canter is more than sufficiently powerful and good in space and suppleness. The stallion has a good posture and a lot of balance. The stallion jumps with good reflexes, a more than sufficient to good technique and plenty of body use. Illusion seems careful and shows more than enough to much scope. As a jumper, Illusion has more than sufficient to much talent and gives his rider a more than sufficient feeling.

On the components canter, reflexes, attitude and ride-ability, Illusion scored 8 in the KWPN performance test.

Illusion scores very high on OC health with a breeding value of 107 (40%)

Hengsten op dreef in Zuidbroek

Met een mooie 2e plaats in de laatste voorronde gaat Herakles als 2e geplaatste naar de finale in Den Bosch

02 January 2018